as possible as yeast | as imminent as bread | a collection of safe habits | a collection of cares | less certain than i seem | more certain than i was | a changed changer | i continue to continue | what i have been most of my lives is where i’m going | lucielle clifton


as possible as yeast | as imminent as bread | a collection of safe habits | a collection of cares | less certain than i seem | more certain than i was | a changed changer | i continue to continue | what i have been most of my lives is where i’m going | lucielle clifton 〰️

"Coaching with Melanie gave me a place to lean into spaciousness and gain clarity. Through our time together, I uncovered ways to connect to and trust my own intuition, enabling me connect with others in more authentic and self- led ways. There were many important revelations that shifted my perspective on approaching uncomfortable pursuits. I feel more certain, and empowered. I have learned to stay open with myself and question how I am really feeling, uncovering a greater sense of worth and purpose."

— SK, Quiocey Client